Mission Statement
The Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is a gospel-centered, evangelistic Fellowship of indigenous workers and their supporters. It is a non-profit and non-political charitable organization, serving in the Muslim world on behalf of churches and believers worldwide.
MERF serves in the Muslim world on behalf of Reformed churches and believers worldwide as follows:
1. Promote Communion
Promoting communion for mutual encouragement and edification among Christian leaders in the Middle East who hold to the Reformed faith, thus stimulating a true vision of service and a fervent zeal for witness.
2. Foster Cooperation
Fostering cooperation between Reformed churches in the Middle East.
3. Encourage Fellowship
Encouraging fellowship between Reformed churches in the Middle East and Reformed churches in other parts of the world.
4. Render Services
Rendering services in the spirit of the oneness of faith that binds faithful believers together, along with their gifts and resources.
The following are the major services of MERF:
A. Evangelism
Moving forward with an indigenous God-centered outreach. This is to be carried out especially through the support of national evangelists and the use of the media.
B. Church-extension
Building healthy and sound congregations where there are needs. This is to be done always in consultation with and under the supervision of a specific ecclesiastical body.
C. Biblical Training
Providing solid biblical and theological instruction for leaders and potential leaders by means of specific programs and arrangements.
D. Diaconal Aid
"Doing good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" (Gal. 6:10). This is always to be administered by means of volunteers and under guidance of the local churches.