Diaconal Aid
"Doing good unto all men, especially unto those who are of the household of faith" (Galatians 6:10) clearly establishes MERF's obligation as well as its system of priorities in providing for the needy.
Following are some foundational principles regarding this ministry:
- MERF will not employ or support any staff for the sole purpose of administering aid.
- All secured diaconal funds must be used only for meeting the needs of those for whom the funds are designated. Under no circumstances should payments be made towards the process of distribution itself. Those who participate in the distribution must do so on a voluntary and sacrificial basis.
- The first priority shall be for the needs of evangelical Christians. The second priority is for the needs of other Christians. The third priority will be for the needs of others.
- Aid to non-evangelical Christians and others shall be part of the Gospel witness of the local community of believers.
- Primarily, diaconal aid is to be administered not in terms of cash but by means of supplies and services.
- The diaconal aid must aim at encouraging the beneficiaries towards hard work and the seeking of reasonable, sustaining jobs. The objective is to equip them not only to take care of themselves and their loved ones but also live a life of sacrificial giving.
For examples of some of our diaconal aid ministries, see our Fields page.