Evangelistic Outreach
An indigenous, God-centered and church-directed outreach is at the heart of MERF's strategy. In these times of instability and anxiety, the Holy Spirit seems to be preparing many to receive Christ as God's only true peace offering. Almost all the countries in which the Fellowship is involved have for a long time not allowed the existence of active foreign missions. "But the Word of God is not chained." (2 Timothy 2:9); the Lord does not leave himself without a testimony. He sovereignly rules and directs all events of history for the service of the ultimate good: the gathering and perfecting of His people. In His unsurpassed wisdom, not only has the faithful Gospel witness in the region been protected from the subversion of western modernist and man-centered trends, but He has also prepared His people in the region to carry on with the Great Commission. The Lord has raised faithful national believers who have the gifts and zeal to do the job relevantly and effectively -- at a fraction of the cost of expatriate missionaries. Thus, recognizing the importance of indigenous evangelists and the effective, far-reaching impact of the media, MERF moves zealously towards reaching the unreached millions of the region.
National Evangelists
National evangelists know the circumstances, language and culture of their own people; by God's grace they are able to wisely do the work of evangelism despite the restrictions of the authorities. They do not need visas or work permits. But they do need preparatory training and an on-going program of instruction, oversight and nourishment in connection with the particular regional church bodies under which they work. Central to MERF's evangelistic strategy is its involvement in recruiting, training and supporting national evangelists. The support and training of evangelists is always under the oversight of ecclesiastical bodies. This has proven to be not only relevant to the closed countries of the Muslim world but also the most cost-effective means of doing missions.