Internet Outreach
The Web has become a major means which the Lord is using to reach Muslim people. It provides freedom for people to read and download the Bible in closed countries such as Saudi Arabia. Moreover, through websites, e-mail, social media and instantaneous contact through text messaging many more doors have been opened for ministry to many more people. Growing numbers of trained MERF workers are now engaged in these ministries.
About two-thirds of the Arab population is under thirty-six years of age. In God's providence, MERF's Arabic electronic-media staff is mostly in this age group. For several years, our strategy has focused on reaching youth. By God's grace, the Arabic ministry teams have been in the forefront of using information technology for gospel proclamation. They use themes in tune with the questions, concerns, and aspirations of young people.
"Dardasha"(Chatting) is the new name of the Arabic ministry website. The name deliberately targets younger listeners. About 5,000 go to this site every month. Linking the radio broadcasts to the website has attracted many to the "Dardasha 7 Forum"—which already includes more than 700 members from Muslim backgrounds—to discuss in more detail subjects raised in the broadcasts. Discussions on the forum enable the trained follow-up volunteers to better understand and reply to listeners than when they only receive a brief email or SMS telephone messages. These volunteers ultimately aim to disciple those who prove to have abiding interest in following Christ. The number of serious seekers continues to rapidly expand from countries like Algeria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian West Bank, and Egypt.
The website also provides opportunities to read and download passages from the Arabic Bible which is not widely available otherwise. Also, a sizeable number of relevant Arabic books and articles designed to help Muslims understand the Christian faith and deal with frequently asked questions are downloadable from the site.
Additionally, MERF operates a Farsi ministry website, reaching out to Farsi speaking people with hope and truth. This website is updated regularly with articles expounding selections of the Scriptures. Audio files of our Farsi radio broadcasts are also available for Farsi speakers to listen to or download. Please pray for the work of the Farsi ministry.